Friday, August 22, 2014

Yogi And Furriends in Bailando with Enrique Igresias

Good Grumpy Afternoon!!
as many of you might have seen it already on FB,
I have made a very first Meosic video,
I wanted to make Music/Video for more varieties of entertainment,
but just didn't know how.

Recently My furriend, a singer in Egypt, was talking about new song of Enrique Igresias.
He talked about it a lot, so I checked it out,

I watched the music video of the song by Enrique, then noticed
Hey, there was a contest for making own video with the song.
then I got an idea

- Hey, we should make one with cats!!
and we did!!

Yogi And Furriends in Bailando with Enrique Igresias

The furriends seen on this video are:
Tom Sawyer (sphynx)
Tuna Martin from Acrocats (cat circus)

XXXSpecial Shanks to Enrique for this opportunity,
'cause using promotion music video/song from professional recording artists
seem illegal even to make some fun video
 (You Tube is grumpy about it).
But Officially Enrique allowed fans to use his music video/song
for the contest.

I hope you'll like it.


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