Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July 26, 2011 ~New photos

Hellow, Furst of all, Messaji furrm my momsy to furriends in UK(kinda emerjency):

URGENT WARNING ALERT IN UK - URGENT PLEASE SHARE..LYME VALLEY NEWCASTLE, WARNING!!!! Please do not walk your dogs around the Lyme Valley area ( newcastle staffs )as someone is dropping food injected with anti freeze for dogs to eat.It kills them as there is nothing that can be done to save the poor animals. At least 6 dogs have already died.

Bad purrson in UK!!! if you're a dog owner in UK, please be careful, and tell others via Facebook, Twitter. etc.
I hope the UK police will catch the purrson soon.

By the way, we have the new photos of me tuday.

Me in zzzzzzzzzzzz with  the middle aged man face.

These two pics(below) look strenji....look like 2 Yogi look at each other.


Wrinkly neck
I'm eeting the code.
I've been busy with my laptop these days.
Well, that 's all fur tuday. See you tomorrrrrooooooo, XLXL.  Yogi